For an enlarged version, please click hereL Lambrick Code of Conduct (Poster (X-Large))
To file a complaint, please follow the guidelines established by Greater Victoria School District’s Complaint Process for a Resolution of Concerns (Regulation 1155).
Increasing Responsibility:
Students are expected to show increased personal responsibility and self-discipline as they mature. Discipline will consider the student’s age and maturity. Special considerations apply to students with diverse abilities and/or needs.
Safe Environment:
Lambrick Park High School, in partnership with parents and the community, is dedicated to providing a safe learning environment free from discrimination, as outlined in the BC Human Rights Code. Discrimination is prohibited on the following grounds:
- Race
- Colour
- Ancestry
- Place of origin
- Religion
- Marital status
- Family status
- Physical or mental disability
- Sex
- Sexual Orientation
- Gender Identity
- Age
All community members must behave responsibly and respectfully in all school-related activities and areas, including:
- Arriving on time, prepared to learn
- Attending all classes unless excused
- Respecting the learning environment
- Treating everyone with dignity regardless of differences
- Bringing a positive attitude
- Participating in school activities with fair play
- Managing the consequences of their actions
- Keeping the school clean and free from vandalism
- Respecting property
- Voicing opinions respectfully
- Using technology appropriately per School District Regulation 5131.9
- Reporting breaches of Code of Conduct to staff
Unacceptable Behaviour:
- Possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs or alcohol
- Physical violence
- Abusive or threatening behaviour in any form
- Bullying, including cyberbullying
- Disruptive or defiant actions
- Possession of weapons (unless approved for specific projects)
- Plagiarism and cheating
- Retribution against those reporting breaches
- Wearing clothing promoting drug/alcohol use or discrimination
- Parent/Guardian meetings
- Restitution
- Confiscation of property
- Conflict resolution
- Community service hours
- Loss of school privileges
- Locker/personal search
- Referral to counseling
- Suspension (in or out of school)
- Police involvement
- Referral to District Discipline Processes
Restorative consequences are practiced whenever possible and appropriate.
Serious breaches will be reported to other parties.
Device Policy:
A ‘personal digital device’ is a student owned device that can be used to communicate or access the internet, such as a cell phone, tablet, smart watch, gaming device, and/or electronic toy.
Equity must be considered when using and directing the use of personal digital devices in a manner that is culturally responsive and inclusive. Accommodations such as access to a computer or Chromebook can be made for students without personal digital devices who may need access to the internet to complete schoolwork. The use of personal digital devices may support students with disabilities, diverse abilities, or medical needs as outlined in the student’s support plan and Individual Education Plan and/or other agreed upon plans.
The use of personal digital devices is restricted during instructional hours to facilitate focused learning and promote online safety. It is expected that personal digital devices are always stored out of sight and on silent or airplane mode to limit in-class distractions and interruptions. Students are expected to follow protocols set by their school and/or teacher(s).
The use of personal digital devices during instructional hours is at the teacher’s discretion and direction for the purposes of instruction and promoting digital literacy. Use during class time is under the supervision of a teacher who may incorporate critical dialogue regarding responsible and appropriate use of devices.
The use of personal digital devices outside of instructional hours is permitted provided the use does not result in a privacy breach, bullying/harassment, or illegal activity.
No photos, video, or audio recordings will be taken of students or staff without consent from the individual.
The main office phone at the school may be used to make and receive calls if students and their parent(s) or caregiver(s) need to communicate during instructional time.